It has been my honor to provide the most reliable information I can to the massage therapy community about COVID-19.
Here is a list of resources that I have either produced or been a part of.
Many thanks to ABMP for making my blogs available to everyone– they are not a members-only benefit.
What’s Next? COVID-19 Updates for Massage Therapists| Cost: $20, 1 CE credit.
It’s a 1-hour self-paced course that covers the latest information on COVID-19, hygienic precautions, vaccines, and variants– and how massage therapists can work with clients who are recovering from this infection.
Massage Therapy for Clients with Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections; ABMP blog post, January 6, 2022
Unpacking the Long Haul: What You Need to Know About Massage Therapy and Long COVID, Massage & Bodywork, January/February 2022
COVID-19’s Delta Variant Means Business; ABMP blog post, July 30, 2021
COVID Vaccines and Massage Therapy blog post, January 7, 2021
CAMTC (California Massage Therapy Council) panel discussion with Ruth Werner and Dr. Michael Mina:
Interview with Massage & Myotherapy Australia, the Wellness Project
Questions for Clients Who Have Had COVID-19
COVID-Related Coagulopathy, Take 3: A Conversation with a Hematologist
COVID-Related Complications: Implications for Massage Therapy
A Massage Therapist’s Guide to COVID-19: a comprehensive look at COVID-19 based on what we understand now (free PDF download, published by Books of Discovery)