Oh boy, it’s another pandemic!
We’re not done with COVID, not by a long shot (public behavior notwithstanding), and now we have warning signals of another contagious viral infection that is behaving in ways we haven’t seen before—monkeypox.
Before you panic, let’s remember that information is the best defense. So, we’re giving you some background and answering some questions about monkeypox you can use to take appropriate action and to be a source of reliable information for your clients and others.
Monkeypox FAQs:
How many people have it?
How does it spread?
Is it life-threatening?
Is it preventable?
And most of all: how can I keep myself and my clients safe from this infection?
You’ve come to the right place: listen on for these answers and more.
Full show notes available at https://www.abmp.com/podcasts/ep-260-monkeypox-faq-i-have-client-who-pathology-conversations-ruth-werner