I recently had the pleasure of visiting with my friend Annie LaCroix at the Brainy Boss podcast. This is a podcast designed for small business owners and “micropreneurs”—people who create their own small-sized, self-run business empires. It focuses on business-related solutions for everything from choosing the right calendar software, to imposter syndrome, to how to maintain forward momentum during unstructured time. It’s not specifically for people in the massage therapy field; it’s for anyone. Even though a lot of the problems and solutions they discuss don’t apply to me, I just love this podcast.
It is a stretch to call my business an empire, but I have created a job that allows me a great deal of freedom– and that can be a double-edged sword. Annie invited me to talk about some of the challenges of being a self-employed writer. As I spoke with her – literally, you will hear me figure this out in the middle of this podcast—I realized that a strategy I use in my writing is something I do with my most ambitious personal goals. It it is also helping me to figure out what comes next for me.
Do you struggle to stay motivated when your time is unstructured?
Are you a writer with an important message to share, but you can’t quite see your way to the end product?
Do you have a vague idea of a goal but haven’t figured out exactly what that looks like?
Join us at The Brainy Boss, and we’ll hash it out together.